January 2018

This week our featured 2T1 is our very own Jennifer Song! Find out more about Jennifer below in her interview with Julian, our monograph representative.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I guess something that’s pretty cool about myself is that I really enjoy reading horoscopes. I actually fit under two zodiac signs – my birthday is right in between them so some horoscopes say that I’m an Aquarius whereas some say that I’m a Capricorn. I find them to be really fun to read and I love reading about my friends’ horoscopes too!

After 1 year of pharmacy school, what has been your favourite memory so far?

My best memory so far has definitely been meeting new people. I love we’re all very like-minded in this program and we all share similar goals. Being able to make so many new friends has really been the highlight for me.

If you had to choose between being a tomato or a potato, which would you choose and why?

I would have to say potato. This is just me, but I think potatoes have a lot of qualities that just make them better than tomatoes. First of all, potatoes are way more resilient. They’re much sturdier and they don’t bruise very easily. You can put a potato anywhere in the ground and it can probably still grow. Tomatoes, on the other hand, are way squishier and much more fragile. Also, you can make much more out of potatoes too! Depending on how you cook it, you can get anything from mashed potatoes, to chips, or fries. If I had to choose between the two, I would definitely choose the one that’s tougher and more adaptable.

What were you like in high school? How would you describe yourself back then?

I feel like I was pretty keen back in high school. At the same time though, I was a lot more sheltered back then too. University really opened up my eyes to a lot of things and I was able to learn so much during that time. I’m really thankful that I’ve been able to see so many new perspectives along the way. Nowadays, I think I’m much more knowledgeable about myself and everything going on around me.

What’s something that you’d like to accomplish in the next year?

This has actually been a continuous goal of mine but I’ve always been really interested in personal development. I want to learn even more about myself and other people’s perspectives. To do this, I plan on using my time over the summer to read a lot. I read a lot last summer too and I found that it’s helped me shape myself into who I want to become.

What do you usually do with your free time?

I don’t really have the time now but I love going to cafés just to chill. I’ve found a place on Baldwin Street that I really like and any Starbucks is good too! In terms of TV shows, I like reality shows or documentaries. I usually just watch random episodes from time to time and I don’t really follow a specific show. I haven’t really been able to get into Korean dramas but I do enjoy Korean variety shows and reality TV! On my spare time I also love hiking/walking trails and going to art galleries and museums. I didn’t get a chance to see the new infinity mirrors display at the AGO this time around unfortunately. 

All photo credits to Sera Ji Hyun Lee, 2T1 Pharmakon Rep.