February 2018

This week our featured 2T1 is the incredibly friendly Ellie Singer!!! Find out more about Ellie below in her interview with Julian, our monograph representative. 

What do you consider to be your biggest achievement?

  • I think I would also have to say that getting into pharmacy school is my biggest achievement. It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do and the acceptance after such a long process was definitely very rewarding for me.

What’s something that you really want to do? Why haven’t you done it yet?

  • I would love to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, or just travel the world in general! I guess I haven’t had the time to travel too much yet, but hopefully I’ll get the chance after I graduate.

If money weren’t an issue, what would you choose to do with your life?

  • I would choose to travel a lot more and take more time to pursue my hobbies! In terms of a career, I would still choose to be a pharmacist. I’m really passionate about what I’m learning right now and I’m sure that I’d still be involved in the health field in some way.

Describe your perfect day.

  • To start off the morning, I would wake up and have all my friends over for brunch and mimosas. After brunch we’d go to the beach to hang out and tan for most of the day. I’d choose to follow that up with a concert and dinner at night. To me, that sounds like the perfect day!

If you could choose to win either a Nobel Prize, Olympic gold medal, or lottery jackpot, what would you choose, and why?

  • I would probably choose to win a Nobel Prize. If I were to be a Nobel Laureate, it would mean that I did something impactful and made a difference somewhere. I think it’s the only option where you’re being awarded for doing something truly worthwhile. That would definitely be a great feeling. Not to mention, you’d win some prize money and stay in the history books forever! Being an Olympic gold medalist also sounds like fun but I think the Olympics is a little too competitive for me. Honestly, I don’t think that any of these are bad options! I wouldn’t mind winning the lottery either!

Let’s say you did win the lottery. What would be your first major purchase and why?

  • If I were to win right now, my first purchase would probably be a hot tub. I just really like hot tubs. I would also think about buying a cottage or vacation home too. That would go really well along with my new hot tub!

If you could live anywhere that you wanted for 1 year, where would it be?

  • I would probably choose to live in Japan. I’ve just really wanted to go to Japan. I don’t speak Japanese or particularly love sushi, but I think that it’d be a really cool experience to go somewhere far and have the chance to explore a place that I haven’t been before.

All photo credits to Sera Ji Hyun Lee, 2T1 Pharmakon Rep.