January 2018

This week our featured 2T1 is the fantastic Ebraam Ghattas!!! Find out more about Ebraam below in his interview with our monograph representative. 


What’s a fun fact about yourself?

  • I’m the only person in my family with red hair!

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?

  • There’s two things actually. I would consider the first one to be getting into U of T Pharmacy, but my biggest accomplishment would definitely be the progress I made since coming to Canada eight years ago. When I first came to Canada, I didn’t know English and I only spoke French and Arabic. Eight years later, I’m much more integrated into society, I can speak English fluently, and I can write academic essays. I would say that a lot has changed about me since I first got here. In the beginning, I faced a lot of struggle both academically and socially. Looking back now, my ability to overcome those hurdles really serves as a motivator for me, and it reminds me of how much I’ve grown since the start.


What is something that you’d like to accomplish in the next 5 years?

  • There’s two main things that I hope to see myself doing in the next couple of years. The first would be to raise awareness for the difficulties that people my age face when they first immigrate to Canada. I want to use my experiences to help others understand how a language barrier can cause a domino effect and lead to many bigger problems. In addition to that, I would like to be more of an influence in advocating for certain diseases. I have a personal attachment to muscular dystrophy, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. I would really like to get involved in the research for any of these conditions and hopefully make a difference in those patients’ lives!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

  • The ability to read minds. A lot of the times, I feel like we don’t understand the motivations behind peoples’ actions. With my superpower, I’d be able to gain a different perspective – and this would help me be a more understanding person.

If you won the lottery, what would your first major purchase be?

  • Believe it or not, I’ve thought of this one before! The first thing that I’d buy would be for my parents. I would buy them whatever they wanted! When we first immigrated, they also went through a lot of struggles, but they were still able to be fantastic parents. I know they’ve dreamt of driving a Mercedes so I’d probably get them one of those! And anything else they’d want on top of that!

What about for yourself?

  • I would travel around the world. I’d love to see Paris, London, Rome, all of Asia, and some tropical islands like Hawaii or Bora Bora!

If you could have any job in the world for 1 day, what would it be and why?

  • I’d love to be the Prime Minister of Canada! I feel like there’s been an increasing political divide around the world and I’d love to do something to change that. I’m sure that the current Prime Minister is working his hardest to do so, but I hope that my 1 day in office can make some progress in that area too! Not to forget the perks of being Prime Minister, such as getting driven around, having a chef, and exploring all of Ottawa!


All photo credits to Sera Ji Hyun Lee, 2T1 Pharmakon Rep.