Third Year Class Council

Yifan Zhou

Yifan is our class President! She works with and supports each council member in fulfilling their duties and advocates for our class at the faculty level. She also aims to push for initiatives that are in the best interest of our class.

Teagan Baumen
Vice President

Teagan is our Vice President. Her main role is to support the class council in all of our initiatives, and to make sure things go smoothly. She’s also responsible for organizing the student’s annual Charity Week fundraiser, and making sure we raise as much as we can!  Outside of her busy pharmacy life, you'll probably find her being active or baking!

Eunyoung Jeong

Eunyoung is the 2T1 Secretary-Treasurer. Her responsibilities include writing class council meeting minutes and handling finance along with the President and Vice President. She aims to maintain communication and transparency between class council and the student body. She will also pretty much always say yes to any good food adventure…except maybe not for dagu noodle place...

Nicole Chang
Faculty Representative

Nicole is one of the two Faculty Reps this year. Their main role consists of liaising between the faculty and the students to ensure the voice of the students are heard. They keep students up to date with the course calendar and weekly emails. They also answer any questions regarding the process of APPE placements or the elective selections. A fun fact about Nicole is that she is from India!

Danielle Mara
Faculty Representative

Danielle is one of our Faculty Reps! Faculty reps are the voice of the students to faculty relating to academics. They listen to students concerns and bring them forward to the faculty to resolve any issues. They also help students navigate selecting elective courses and APPEs, and are a resource to students throughout the year. Danielle has 2 roommates: a dentistry student and a medical student, so it’s safe to say she lives a very interprofessional life every day!

Anthony To
Athletic Representative
Anthony is our athletic representative! His main role is to plan athletic events throughout the year for the class. While he's not buried in schoolwork, he enjoys bouldering and hitting the gym.
Charlotte Boone
Social Representative

Charlotte is our Social rep! Her main role is to organize social events for the class, and support the student council in their endeavours. When she's not at PB, she's probably either cooking or watching terrible reality TV.

Michelle Yee
CAPSI Representative

Michelle is one of our two Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns (CAPSI) Reps! Her role in class council involves advocating for CAPSI, and planning events that empower and support our journey in becoming future pharmacists. Although all this work can sound tiring, she’s never too tired for pizza!

Bonnie Lam
Capsi Representative

Bonnie is one of our Capsi Reps! Her role is to liase Capsi events, activities and advocate for pharmacy students. Aside from hanging at PB, she loves to explore different restaurants around Toronto, binge-watch Netflix and travel to new destinations!

Carling Renwick
Grad Representative

Carling is one of our graduation representatives! Their responsibilities include booking graduation photos for the graduating class, planning and executing the grad formal as well fundraising and marketing for class events. Grad reps are also involved in planning a class trip (if the class is interested) and deciding upon a grad gift! Carling’s favourite hobby is camping, and she also loves to draw and paint!

Maddy Powers
Grad Representative

Maddy is our other graduation representative. She focuses her time, along with Carling, to ensure our graduation is as memorable as possible! When she’s not studying or working hard, she’s probably baking something delicious (usually with chocolate) or doing yoga. Maddy also loves travelling, and has been to 17 countries to date!

William Nguyen
Monograph Representative

William is the 2T1 Monograph Representative! His responsibilities include collecting prospective submissions from the class, writing articles on the monograph, and distributing hard copies for each issue. Outside of this, he is committed to improving knowledge, awareness, and providing insights to the class such as the Canadian Federal election, whether through one on one discussions, or providing advice to the class. Despite the long commute, he is willing to stay a little bit longer just to try out all kinds of food and restaurants the city has to offer and then “critically appraise it” (the pharmacist’s fancy way of saying “reviewing it”).

Kendra Hewlett
Pharmakon Representative
Bita Janzadeh

Bita is the Webmaster for the 2T1 class council website! She’s responsible for updating and maintaining the class website and class council related facebook pages (i.e. 2T1 Confessions). If you ever spot her staring at a patch of grass motionless, don't worry, she's probably just looking for more four-leaf clovers to add to her collection